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New to Tracking Time and Clocks for Employee Attendance?
A short guide to deciding what works best for your business
Our solution for tracking time & attendance is as simple as clock in, clock out. However, if you are new to tracking time and clocks for employee attendance, there is a lot of information to digest. The choice can even seem overwhelming with several Time Clocks, Cloud Plans, a mobile app, and more. Where do you start?
You might even wonder, "Do I need a new time registration solution?" Perhaps you are used to the traditional 'pen & paper' approach of registering work hours. Or maybe you have already moved on to a digital way of doing this. Still, you will recognize the challenges that have to do with managing time & attendance. For example, creating shifts, dealing with absences and holidays, and monitoring who is present. These tasks are essential in a business's day-to-day running.
Track time on projects and monitor attendance
Many countries have implemented, or are working on, new labour laws concerning time registration. Track time on projects improves your administration, but you are also required to record all employee hours. For example, EU countries require employers to have a system to measure their employees' working hours. To ensure trust and transparency, employers must provide their employees with an overview of their worked hours, including overtime. As a manager, you should recognize that an easy time & attendance solution will increase employee satisfaction.
"Time and attendance are too time-consuming."
Are you responsible in your organization for all HR administrative matters? You get a lot of questions about working hours and planning (and correcting errors). You will recognize that there is a need for a modern solution to fix this. Doing things 'the old way' isn't future-proof and is time-consuming. Like many businesses of all sizes, you require a modern and user-friendly solution to lift your HR administration to the next level.
Do I need a new time registration solution?
Well, do any of the challenges described above sound familiar to you? They are to the many companies and industries we help with our products daily. We are also fully aware that every business is unique. That is why we designed our solution to be adaptable to different situations. And for this reason, you will find that our solution, while being easy to install and use, isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. We offer a lot of options on our website. How do you decide what works best for you? An excellent place to start is the configurator. You can choose a Time Clock here or just a Cloud Plan, select identification methods for clocking in and add accessories.
Do I need a Time Clock?
That depends on your situation. You don't need a Time Clock for your time & attendance system. It is possible to use TimeMoto Cloud as a standalone solution. However, if you have an office, factory floor or any other physical location where employees come in to work, it makes sense to have a Time Clock installed there. We designed our Time Clocks to blend into every working environment seamlessly. With a simple, intuitive interface, they make clocking in and out easy. Your Time Clock connects with TimeMoto Cloud, or with a local software solution if you don't want to have your data stored in the Cloud (more on that later).
How do I compare Time Clocks?
Use the configurator to assess which Time Clock fits your business the best. How many users do you want to enable to clock in and out? Our TM—600 Series is perfect for businesses with up to 200 employees. Look at our TM—800 Series if you want to enable up to 2.000 employees. The next question is: how do you want them to clock in and out? Identification with (RFID) badges, key fobs, and a PIN code comes standard with all our Time Clocks. Some Time Clocks offer fingerprint identification or even face recognition. And if you use technologies such as MIFARE and HID, that's possible, too. So, in short: select the Time Clock series that matches your number of users, pick your preferred identification, or look up which method suits your team the best.
How do I pick a Cloud Plan?
You can connect your Time Clock with TimeMoto Cloud. Or use TimeMoto Cloud as a standalone solution to clock in, clock out, monitor attendance, run reports and more. All you need is a device with an internet connection and a browser. There is a Cloud Plan for every type of business. Use the Core Plan with the basics of timekeeping and reporting for small businesses, or upgrade to Essential and Plus, which are ideal for growing, medium-sized and even bigger companies. Whichever Plan you choose, you have a worry-free platform that is actively developed by our developers, with regular updates for stability and new features. If you need help, there is always the TimeMoto Cloud Support Centre to find quick answers.
Do I need a Cloud Plan?
If you don't want your data stored in the Cloud, you can keep control of your data with an in-house database. The PC Plus software is compatible with all TimeMoto Time Clocks. It is best suited for large companies that want to run TimeMoto on their grid, disconnected from the internet. However, if you want to profit from an easy-to-use, managed cloud solution that is actively developed, in most cases, it's best to choose a Cloud Plan.
Clocking in with badges and key fobs
Our credit card-sized RFID badges work flawlessly with all TimeMoto Time Clocks. All Time Clocks come with a small set of 5 badges and a TimeMoto Power Adapter. That is enough to get you going. If you are adding new employees or replacing lost badges, you can easily order spare sets in our shop. If you like to use key fobs instead of badges, that's possible too. Go to our shop to order RFID key fobs or add them to your setup in the configurator. Keep an extra set on hand, and you'll always be prepared.
What about the Mobile app?
You can use our mobile app to clock in and out on the go with TimeMoto Cloud. The TimeMoto app, available for iOS and Android, contains a selection of features optimized for mobile use. It is highly recommendable for businesses with remote staff or a hybrid work policy. The app lets you perform the most common tasks that have to do with time registration. With manager and employee roles, you can record work hours, send and receive absence requests or monitor your team's attendance.
What is the ideal time & attendance solution that brings your HR administration to the next level? Pick a Time Clock or just a Cloud Plan, compare products and features and decide what works best for you. Our configurator page is always a good place to start.