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Why Spanish Businesses Embrace Employee Time Tracking Apps


Many countries require employers to use a transparent system to record working hours. The use of employee time tracking apps has become more important. Spain is one of the countries leading the way; this year marks the fifth anniversary of a regulation establishing the obligation to record working hours.

The law came into force on May 12th, 2019. It intends to protect Spanish employees, reduce job insecurity, and ensure transparency. The 'Registro Horario' (Working Time Register) that employers need to have in place, is not only a legal obligation but also an important tool to allow effective control over hours worked and to ensure that employees receive fair compensation. It ensures that work and rest times are properly monitored, and allows compliance with regulations. Thus, employers, avoid possible financial and legal sanctions resulting from labour inspections.

Staff Scheduling Software for Small Business

Spain has proven to be a trailblazing country with their Working Time Register. Also in May 2019, the European Court ruled that all employers within the European Union must set up a system to track employee working hours. In several countries, this ruling was followed up by new legislation - and many companies looking for staff scheduling software for small business. With governments promoting the use of modern, digital time recording systems, it cannot be emphasised enough how important it is to have an employee clocking in and out system in place. Employers should not only consider their legal obligations, but also benefits such as time saved in administration, fewer errors, improved insights for managers, and increased employee satisfaction. In short, it makes managing your workforce a lot easier.

So, what are the essential steps in choosing an effective time recording system? Employers can start by assessing their needs and determining which type of system best suits those needs. For example, where do employees work most of the time? Do you need Time Clocks for employees in a physical environment? Keep in mind that you can combine clocking devices, such as RFID Time Clocks or a fingerprint clocking in system, with a web service or even an employee clocking in app. Consider how a manual, digital, or even cloud-based solution would help your business.  When this is clear, the next step would be to select and choose a system that is easy to use and compliant with all legal requirements. Don't forget to train employees next, to ensure that everyone knows how they should record their working hours.

Get the Most out of Your Online Time and Attendance System

Please be aware that after the implementation, it is important to actively promote the correct use of the system and instruct (new) employees where needed. Whether your business is in Spain or anywhere else in the world, there is more to a time registration system than just being compliant. Don't forget about the benefits of a well-functioning solution. It might even be the best investment decision you've made in a long time...

Looking for a single, easy-to-use system that can handle all your timesheets, scheduling, and reporting needs in a fraction of the time? Meet TimeMoto and set up your time management solution.

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